Virtual Humans: A Build-It-Yourself Kit, Complete With
Software and Step-By-Step Instructions (2003)
- authors: Peter M. Plantec, Ray Kurzwell
- haven't read it yet
- Amazon reviews indicate that the book is an enjoyable read and good on
concepts, although the "complete with" software isn't stable
Interactive Digital 3-D Actors and their Worlds (2001)
- author: Jean-Marc Gauthier
- publisher: Morgan Kaufmann
- havent seen it yet, but it says it uses "LifeForms, Virtools
and Deep Paint 3-D" - to the best of my knowledge, LifeForms and
Deep Paint don't have any use for realtime characters, so it's
questionable what the "Interactive" means in the book's
Simulating Humans (1993)
- authors: Norman I. Badler, Cary B. Phillips, Bonnie Lynn Webber
- publisher: Oxford University Press
- An excellent book. It doesn't cover dynamics or consider realtime humans, but it
describes most of the difficult modelling tasks. Should have been called
"Modelling Humans." The "Simulating" in the title
refers to some weak AI material in the second half of the book.
3-D Human Modeling and Animation (1998)
- author: Peter Ratner
- publisher: John Wiley & Sons
- I don't like it. Review:
- This is a simple, high-level book, describing the process of building a human model
using spline curves, while attempting to stay package-independent.
- The author really should consult a table of real biometric values - his arms are too
thin, eyes are in the wrong place, abdomen and chests are misproportioned, etc.
- Curiously, although all the sample models have genitals, there is no section on modeling
them (why show them then?)
- The "Animation" chapter is very small and rudimentary
- Includes a large number of full-color scene with absolutely terrible, fake-looking
humans done by the author and his students, worse than amateur Poser output.
Digital Character Animation (1996)
- author: George Maestri
- publisher: New Riders
- Only intended to cover non-realtime, scripted animation, but nonetheless has lots of
good anatomical information. There are whole chapters on hands and face muscles.
Animation with 3D Studio MAX (1996)
"Everything You Need to Know to Create Stunning Animation with
3D Studio MAX"
- author: Stephanie Reese
- ISBN#: 1-57610-054-5
- vendor: The Coriolis Group
- Again, only intended to cover non-realtime, scripted animation, but probably has useful
- I haven't seen this book yet.
Them Move: Mechanics, Control, and Animation of Articulated
Figures (1990)
- authors: Norman I. Badler, Brian A. Barsky, and David Zeltzer
- publisher: Morgan Kaufmann
- 348 pages, cloth book & videotape
- ISBN 1-55860-155-4
- Amazon says it's "Publisher Out Of Stock"
Creating and Animating the Virtual World (1992)
- Editors: Nadia Magnenat Thalmann and Daniel Thalmann
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Tokyo
- definitely out of stock and out of print