Mai mam. Shi tichez yoga and iz a devoti ov Swami Gurumayi Chidvilasananda. Sum pipul think the hav thu best mam in thu wurld, but akshuali, ai du. | |
Mai Hawai`i perents, Jim and Ruthie, wering thu tai-dai shirts ai gat them for Christmas sum yirz bak. Thu grin bakgraund iz akchuali Mill Valley, nat Hawai`i (!) | |
Mai onli foto ov mai father, uraund 1971. Ai biliv wi'r in Japan, altho it cud bi Tassajara. At thu taim hi wuz u carpenter and had risentli bin ordeind u Zen Buddhist prist. | |
Mai stepsister Renee. Shi livs in Hawai`i and laiks tu badisurf. | |
With thu Hawai`i perents uraund 1978 | |
At berning man '96 in frunt uv thu Gateway camp with Mariposa, for wich ai wuz "asistent eilien kerteiker", geting her aut ther and bak seifli. | |
Mi in thu Kilauea caldera. Thu wait gas yu si iz sulfurus stim bilowing frum thu crakz in thu graund. | |
The singul-lein rod liding frum thu haiwe tu the sauth point ov thu Big Ailend, "suthernmost point ov thu USA". Thu sin iz mor vaibrent and surial than thu foto can ilustret, with inormus wait wind jenereturz, larj caos, and gras SO GRIN yu'd think yu'r in Oz or sumthing. | |
Waking uraund an an aktiv lava flo. Hav sumbudi eksperienst liid yu if yu'r going tu trai this. Ai'm ubaut 17 in this foto and enthuziasticuli testing thu viscasiti ov thu lava (this smuth flowi caind iz cald pahoehoe). |
Mor fotoz uv mi (in keis yu mait faind them veigli umyuzing) PAGE 2 >>>