
en·theo·jen [en within, theos gad or ekspirients uv gad, jen pruduser]
u sol-riviuling substence, plant or kemicul, wen yuzd spirichuli

Wai Yuz Thu Werd Entheojen?

Thu fainest sait an thu subject iz thu Lycaeum. The'r also nais pipul that ar pruvaiding ther sait in u nan-prafit maner, and dizerv yor suport.
MAPS MAPS (MUSS) iz thu Multidisiplineri Usosiashun For Saikedelik Studiz. The host u vurieti uv yusful infermeshun including thu articul Yus uv Ayahuasca in Brazil bai thu Santo Daime.
Thé Ðëòxÿríßøñµçlëìç HÿÞêrdïmèñsîøñ haz byutiful art and mutirial that ranjez frum the absurd tu the yusful & thot-provoking, including bimushrumd and Terence McKenna Land. Hir iz u dilaitful rant frum Terence an thu sait.

The esenchul and ultimit gaid tu thu histeri, kemistri and saikalogi uv entheojenz iz Jonathan Ott's Pharmacotheon. Thu Proemium (ferst chapter) iz uvailable anlain.

In keis yu don't liv in u hip metropaliten eria, buks an this subject [cud hav bin] perchest frum Mind Books. Uther metiriulz such az audio tepz can bi had frum Sound Photosynthesis. Ai enjoid ther teip siriz uv Terence McKenna's True Hallucinations, tho Terence iz alwiz u cumpeling storiteler.

Sum entheojen-releted substenses ar cuverd in profyus and luving ditail in Shulgin's PiHKAL.

U wel-writen articul ekspleins hau Drug Legalization Could Work.

Thu CSP Entheogen Project uv thu Council on Spiritual Practices.

Thu Hyperreal psychedelics pej iz u bit out of date, but hosts a fyu uv the ubuv dakyuments.