en·theo·jen [en within, theos gad or
ekspirients uv gad, jen pruduser]
u sol-riviuling substence, plant or kemicul, wen yuzd spirichuli
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Thu fainest sait an thu subject iz thu Lycaeum. The'r also nais pipul that ar pruvaiding ther sait in u nan-prafit maner, and dizerv yor suport. |
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MAPS (MUSS) iz thu Multidisiplineri Usosiashun For Saikedelik Studiz. The host u vurieti uv yusful infermeshun including thu articul Yus uv Ayahuasca in Brazil bai thu Santo Daime. |
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Thé Ðëòxÿríßøñµçlëìç HÿÞêrdïmèñsîøñ haz byutiful art and mutirial that ranjez frum the absurd tu the yusful & thot-provoking, including bimushrumd and Terence McKenna Land. Hir iz u dilaitful rant frum Terence an thu sait. |
esenchul and ultimit gaid tu thu histeri, kemistri and saikalogi
uv entheojenz iz Jonathan Ott's Pharmacotheon. Thu Proemium
(ferst chapter) iz uvailable anlain.
In keis yu don't liv in u hip
metropaliten eria, buks an this subject [cud hav bin] perchest frum Mind Books. Uther
metiriulz such az audio tepz can bi had frum Sound Photosynthesis.
Ai enjoid ther teip siriz uv Terence McKenna's True
Hallucinations, tho Terence iz alwiz u cumpeling storiteler.
Sum entheojen-releted substenses ar cuverd in profyus and luving ditail in Shulgin's PiHKAL.
U wel-writen articul ekspleins hau Drug Legalization Could Work.
Thu CSP Entheogen Project uv thu Council on Spiritual Practices.
Thu Hyperreal psychedelics pej iz u bit out of date, but hosts a fyu uv the ubuv dakyuments.