Ai liv in Mill Valley, California, a kwaiet, clin, byutiful litul taun, nesuld in redwud tris. It'z wun uv thu welthiest eriuz in thu cuntri; al thu homz cost miliunz uv dalurz, thu carz ar lukzuri vihiculz and thu pipul ar afen snabi.
Risentli, ai'v notist sumthing streinj - thu rodz
ar fild with Dark Griin Afrod Vihiculs (DGAVs). Yu can't draiv
enywer withaut siing severul uv them. Evri parking lat haz at
list 2 or 3. ai went to Marin Outdoors and wuz suraunded bi them.
It'z cripi.
Faddish baiing habitz ar nuthing nu tu thu yupiz
that liv hir. It siimz that aidiuz catch an laik waildfiur and no
yupster wantz tu bi left bihaind. In thu erli 1980s it wuz hat
tubz and BMWs. Mor risentli, Interplak hi-tek tuthbrushez and
blak Saab 900S terbo cupz.
Thu DGAVs, hawevur, ar truli u sain uv ubsesiv cunsumerist status warfer. Thu mujoriti uv thu onerz prababli never liv thu peivd rod, and ar unlaikli tu keri mor than 2 kidz and u bag uv grosheriz. And wai Dark Griin, afen cald "British reising griin"? Thu pulis in Mill Valley wil stop yu for going 2 mailz over thu spiid limit.
yirs, thu onli afrod status simbul wuz thu Range Rover frum
British cumpani Land Rover. Ther iz nao an eksplozhun uv papyulur
vihiculz that ar besikli thu seim: Honda Passport, Isuzu Trooper
and Rodeo, Mistsubishi Montero, Ford Explorer, Plymouth
Navigator, Jeep Cherokee, Toyota 4Runner, Nissan Pathfinder. Thu
campetishun iz thik at thu hi end ($50,000) az wel, with thu
Acura SLX, Lexus 450LX, and Toyota Land Cruiser al casting and
performing laik u Range Rover.
the yupiz nid thu DGAVs tu truvers ther stip draivwes. Mebi
draiving an afrod vihicul projeks thu impreshun that yu hav thu taim
tu go aut intu nechur iven tho yu nevur du. Meibi it eksplenz wai
"Invasion of the Body Snatchers" wuz orijinuli riten
abaut Mill Valley - the'r al programd Pad Pipul.
Bisaidz ther besik shep, al thiz
vihiculz hav wun thing in camun: the'r uveilubul, and seling laik
creizi, in Dark Griin.
Fiidbak... (send mi sum?)
I have to deal with off-road vehicles that have never seen
dirt as well. I live in Santa Monica, and all of the yupsters
from Brentwood and other trendy parts of the Westside drive those
damn things. Huge, gas-sucking beasts of utility vehicles that
will never get muddy. It's almost as bad as the yupsters who ride
$4000 full-suspension mountain bikes that are spotless...