became a US citizen Oct 4, 1900 in Douglas Co., Nebraska
My uncle Alan was contacted by some Schlank person from the
same family.
Rudy's relatives (Schlank) were in the theatre in 1935 in Omaha,
According to Ruth O'Neal: "Sam Schlank married Laura Kopald, FIRST
COUSINS (usual in Europe), so families get snagged a bit. One was born in
Krakow, the other in, if I remember, a town beginning with a D...Dachau??
Doesn't seem right, but it was in one of those oven places, so I always figured
the families in Europe were incinerated ends.
Sam Schlank was engaged to a beautiful Kopald sister, but she died
young...Gussie?, Fannie?? so he married Laura instead. (usual in Europe)."