- Virtual Humans 3 happened in June 1998
- even less participation, fewer companies, less progress than last year
- it appears that nearly all innovation is occuring in proprietary, non-leveraged ways
- H-ANIM is still where it was a year ago
- Virtual Humans 2 conference was June 1997 in LA
- it was mostly lofty academics, with a small handful of specialized and military apps
- biodynamic simulation was mentioned in several presentations, but never elaborated
- there was no indication that the field is moving toward home/hobbyist exposure
- the Thalmann's example application showed networked motion capture,
with a complete lack of physics, most noticeably wildly inaccurate gripping
- overall, there was a frustrating lack of depth - primarily fluffy overview
- Press reports and descriptions of Virtual Humans '96
Lifelike Computer
Characters (LCC) (1994, 1995, 1998?)
- has focused more on human interaction, high-level behavior and AI - which i find quite
premature, given the lack of progress on basic human modelling and rendering
- all trace has vanished from the Microsoft Research website which used
to host the LCC material
- although Bruce's
Sterling's speech (1995) was still there (until 2004..)