virtual humans: people with pages
- Andy Witkin at
- Bernie
Roehl, University of Waterloo
- Chris Hecker is a game
developer, wrote a series of articles on physics for games, has useful realtime physics
- Christian Babski,
- Craig W. Reynolds is
interested in computational models of complex, life-like behavior. He maintains an
excellent list of information on improvisational
- David
Baraff is at CMU too and has worked with Andy Witkin
- Dennis McKenzie
is a VRML guy who created some low-poly humans for the VRMLDream project
- Ignazio
Locatelli, part of a group of VRML
Dreamers, in Italy, working on a VRML humanoid called Frank
- James Kuffner
at Stanford, working on motion planning
- Jessica K. Hodgins,
GVU Animation Lab
- Matt Beitler has
several experimental H-ANIM compliant humanoids
Nadia Thalmann,
MIRALab, and Daniel Thalmann,
- Norman Badler,
University of Pennsylvania
- Sandy
Ressler, NIST
If you know people that should be on this list, let me know.